
I teach the following courses. If you have any specific questions about course topics, please message me. I will respond as quickly as possible.

LSB4423/LSB5423 Employment Law (D)

Prerequisites: LSB 3213 or equivalent.

Description: Legal foundations of employment in the United States. Contemporary topics relating to the employment environment such as state legislative and judicial limitations on employment at will doctrine, federal legislation relating to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, fair labor standards, safety in the work place, and resolution of employment disputes. 

Credit hours: 3

LSB4323: Law of Commercial Transactions and Debtor-Creditor Relationships

Prerequisites: LSB 3213.

Description: Concentrated study of law relating to certain commercial transactions and debtor/creditor relationships. Includes law of sales, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, suretyship and bankruptcy. 

Credit hours: 3

LSB4633 Legal Aspects of International Business Transactions (I)

Prerequisites: LSB 3213 or equivalent.

Include the official course description from your institution. Include any other relevant information needed for students or others viewing to understand major themes, prerequisites, or if classes are exclusive for specific majors or degree tracks.

Credit  hours: 3